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Automated patent drafting

Generative AI models like Language Learning Models (LLMs) and image generators can significantly facilitate the process of automated patent drafting. For instance, OpenAI's advanced ChatGPT model could get fed with a list of technical details related to an invention. The AI can use this data to draft a new patent, thanks to its capacity to understand context, and generate human-like text. The content is both legally sound and technically exhaustive. LLMs can also automate the creation of claims, which require a surgical precision to rule out chances of infringement. Parallelly, an image generator AI can simplify the process of patent illustration. These systems can create detailed diagrams and 3D visuals based on textual descriptions, ensuring a coherent and easy-to-understand graphical representation of the invention. This combination of textual and visual material enhances the patent application quality and reduces the time taken for drafting substantially.

How to build with Clevis

Text Input

Request user input for patent title

Text Input

Request user input for patent abstract

HTTP Request

Fetch relevant information from a patent database based on the provided title and abstract

Prompt ChatGPT

Prompt ChatGPT to generate patent claims based on the fetched information

Display Output

Display the generated patent claims to the user

This is an example app that you could build using the Clevis tool. It's designed to automate the process of drafting patents, a typically tedious task that can be streamlined using this technology. The application functions in a series of steps, each driven by a user-friendly command. With Clevis, you have the ability to develop similar applications within the same area for tailored solutions.

The initial steps involve Text Input commands which request the user to input the patent title and abstract. The information provided is then leveraged in the Http Request step where the application fetches additional relevant information from an existing patent database. The clever integration of OpenAI's chatbot, ChatGPT, is utilized in the next step, which uses the compiled data to generate a sensible and coherent patent claim. This is accomplished through the ChatGPT step, where the chatbot's advanced language model capabilities are used to formulate the patent claims based on the information extracted from the database.

Finally, the Display Output step presents the generated patent claims to the user. This sequence of steps results in a time-efficient, user-friendly AI application for automated patent drafting, made possible by using Clevis.

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